Saturday, November 21, 2009

Declaration of Independence

A thing i don't like about society now is people are not friendly they treat other people like garbage and no one does anything about it.In this society people bully on each other, wars are going on every where and people have changed dramatically and its horrible.Adults can't find jobs kids are scared to go to school because other kids are picking on them.I feel that i need to make a new and improved society because maybe people will see a change in there society and like it better. Where you have better jobs better schools for your children and you have no war ,no bullying and you have people treating each other with respect and kind and nice to others.Thats how i want my utopia because thats good your kids want to go to school and yout adults like going to work and people are being to kind to everyone. People should have a good outlook on everything in life all the time thats how i feel. This is how my society is going to be and it's going to stay like that.

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