Saturday, November 21, 2009

Journal Entries (worship)

Our family goes to church but you can choose to go if you want. We go to church on Wednesdays and Sundays. Its really fun i like going to church. Our church starts at 10:30 so we get up at 8:30 and get showers and get dressed in our nice clothes. We leave the house around 10:10 and we get to the church at 10:25. The kids go to there class and the adults go to there own class. The classes last about an hour and we get out at 12:00.Then we go and get something to eat and go home. We relax for a while because we have church at night at 7:00.Then we get up and go to the night service and get home around 8:30. Then we get a shower and go to sleep and wake up the next day and get ready for school.

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